還是倆口子的時候, 愛跑去看日落, 這是一天最美的時分, 每次看都仍然覺得很美、很有詩意。
今趟要替兒子拍照, 也不用多想吧 ... 下午3時半開始拍攝。
很欣賞攝影師的專業, 她提早到達目的地去選擇最佳的光源和位置。
那是一個風和日麗的下午, 陽光落在我們的身上 ......

...... Cass於是建議我們替Cruz只著上那條牛仔工人衭子, 不穿任何襯衣, 那會是頗可愛和特別一點, 初時都有點猶豫, 會否為了拍得好照, 便令小兒著涼, 不過那刻陽光真是好像向著我們飛撲一般, 很溫暖, 我們一路也摸著Cruz的身子, 沒有穿衣的他仍然暖暖的, 那就造就了這些相片呢!

拍了一個多小時天色已開始暗了, 就這麼完成了Cruz一歲的寫真
後記: 近日腦海中常浮起句子 "Gone are the days" 及一首歌的幾句歌詞 "Gone are the days of my past, Gone are the days of my childhood innocence, Gone are the days of my first and last"。看著相片, 感覺兒子臉上還帶著幾分嬰孩的神態, 那個無知、天真、好奇、不經意和沒有半點造作的面孔, 是會慢慢隨著他的長大而消失的, gone are the days, 時間是不會停留的, 只有懷念!
如欲觀看完整版相片, 請擊這連接
今趟要替兒子拍照, 也不用多想吧 ... 下午3時半開始拍攝。
很欣賞攝影師的專業, 她提早到達目的地去選擇最佳的光源和位置。
那是一個風和日麗的下午, 陽光落在我們的身上 ......

...... Cass於是建議我們替Cruz只著上那條牛仔工人衭子, 不穿任何襯衣, 那會是頗可愛和特別一點, 初時都有點猶豫, 會否為了拍得好照, 便令小兒著涼, 不過那刻陽光真是好像向著我們飛撲一般, 很溫暖, 我們一路也摸著Cruz的身子, 沒有穿衣的他仍然暖暖的, 那就造就了這些相片呢!

拍了一個多小時天色已開始暗了, 就這麼完成了Cruz一歲的寫真
後記: 近日腦海中常浮起句子 "Gone are the days" 及一首歌的幾句歌詞 "Gone are the days of my past, Gone are the days of my childhood innocence, Gone are the days of my first and last"。看著相片, 感覺兒子臉上還帶著幾分嬰孩的神態, 那個無知、天真、好奇、不經意和沒有半點造作的面孔, 是會慢慢隨著他的長大而消失的, gone are the days, 時間是不會停留的, 只有懷念!
如欲觀看完整版相片, 請擊這連接
Natural, touching, comfortable. Really pro! Good as poster or calendar.
ReplyDeleteSometimes one's smile, like Cruz, is enough to light up the whole sky. It's just pure.
ReplyDeleteNice capture and tone! I love the one which Cruz was reading under the tree.
ReplyDeleteI think that Ellis and you can also take the photos like these or may be better than hers. Of course, you will not have a photo with you all 3 if you or Ellis be the camera man.
Thanks for your appreciation, gentlemen.
ReplyDeleteTwo special albums for those photos will be made within months. Think about a good way to post it on the blog. Thanks again anyway.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your praise but we really cannot take the photos like these. The angle that the photographer took, the idea that she proposed and the technique of post-editing were really professional. I also learnt a lot in this photos taking, and hope I can apply it in the future.