Thursday 30 October 2008



老師接到其他同事的投訴,中一某班的學生經常說粗語,老師於昨天早上到那班課室作訓示。她首先請所有學生站立,然後便問誰沒有說過粗語的就坐下來,可佈的只有三位學生(全班40人)坐下。老師問他們為什麼她在這裡向他們訓話及責備他們。學生回答一定是老師收到家長或其他人的投訴,又或是因為老師是副校長,要處理這些事情。老師說全都不是,只因為「我愛錫你們」。說到這幾個字,老師自己也想不到她突然控制不住的流下眼淚來,再也不能說下去,有些同學見狀,老師也意外地看到他們低下頭來喊。老師然後默不作聲的在黑板寫上"My F.1X students are fine, decent and respectable guys who will be the future of our world"(我的中一某班學生是優秀的, 得體的, 應受尊敬的一群;他們是這世界之未來主人)。


老師也著我將來教導我的孩子最基本的原則就是"from the bottom of and with all your heart to do that"(從您內心深處, 並以愛出發)。
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Tuesday 28 October 2008

A Letter to the Editor, SCMP

I wrote the following letter to the Editor of SCMP in March this year. Just want to say something about the local TV programmes.
Local TV dramas lose their appeals

Watching local TV prime time dramas at night hasn’t been my choice for leisure for a pretty long time. Not intended to be a critic, I encourage the local producers to broaden their minds in writing the stories and strive for showcasing quality programmes to the mass.

Programmes that featuring different kinds of human relationships other than love affair between a man and a woman are worthy to explore deep. I was very inspired by a Japanese drama called “Umizaru Evolution” (海猿). There were different displays of human feelings, like the team spirit among divers of Japan Coast Guard in their search and rescue works, the affections and sacrifices of a divorced father towards his daughter, the worries and support of a wife in bracing the dangerous frontline work of her husband, all depicted so genuinely and so earnestly. It steered me to reassure, appreciate and praise the enduring loves between people in the world. Those shots and scripts still touch my heart to date although the programme was presented more than 2 years ago.

The media has a strong social and cultural impact to their audiences and the community as a whole. I would very much like to see more current TV series conveying positive and encouraging messages along entertainment to the public and desirably providing the audiences rooms for pondering something meaningful. Battling against hardship in deprived areas, work-life balance, life-long learning, fighting against personal bad habits ….. there are indeed endless topics to ponder. In Hong Kong, the success of a TV programme may largely be measured by its rating. Stories covering disputes over family properties, quarrel and vengeance of various kinds or intricate relationships easily received much applause. Can we go beyond this? Drama is an art; it is about beauties and our experiences in life, it should touch our heads and hearts. Media can take the lead.

Wrote by
Tennie TUNG
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Sunday 26 October 2008

Newspaper Clipping - Breastfeeding

(Source: South China Morning Post, 23/10/2008)

I hope I can overcome the obstacles that I foresee in breastfeeding esp during the very first few weeks as the writer said. I will attend a talk about it on 15 Nov 2008 organized by Prepare and do what we can for the benefit of our next generation.
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Saturday 25 October 2008

剪報 - 孩子的管教

中國人常道「江山易改,品性難移」,性格不錯某程度上是天生的,但我更看重孩子的擧止及行為(demeanour),包括他們的禮貌、對別人的態度、應對等。這個父母本身的人品和是否用心地去教導孩子尤其重要,不能夠以「我個仔好難教, 佢性格係咁」作藉口。願作為及將為人父母的共勉之。

(文章取自 AM730, 24/10/2008)

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Wednesday 22 October 2008

A Baby Poem

I read a baby poem this morning. AM I READY?

Thank You God
© Shirley J. Stankiewicz

Sent straight from heaven up above
Came an angel for me to love
To hold and rock and kiss good night
To wrap my arms around real tight

To cuddle & nurture and watch him play
To kiss his boo-boo's all away
To keep him safe and warm & count all his toes
To hold the tissue for him when he blows his little nose

To laugh at his jokes, to clap as he sings
To tell him all the joy in my life that he brings
To clean up his play dough, to pull his legos apart
To pin up his drawings and tell him it's art

To watch his first day of school on the bus all alone
To fight back the tears as I make my way back home
To applaud real loud when he's in his first play
To help him with his homework at the end of his

To adore & cherish and watch him grow
To guide and teach him all that I know
To see him through good times & help him through bad
To share in his happiness and cry when he's sad

To hold him close and be by his side
To watch him through life as my heart fills with pride
To help him with decisions, the best that I can
To know that someday he'll be a fine young man

Thank You God by Shirley J. Stankiewicz from Baby Poems
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Tuesday 21 October 2008


星期日Cruz爸替我影了一些大肚相以作紀念(因為我們打算不會再有BB喇!)。拍攝地點相當方便,就是我們的屋企。開著冷氣,伴有飲品,我們從來影相都未試過咁舒服。想到以前揹住個相機、幾支大光圈鏡頭同埋個大大的Billingham相機袋出去旅行和外影,真要讚賞我們對攝影的那份passion。想到這點,更加不想以後都貪圖舒服,很期待「重鎚」出江湖的日子(辛苦命一條, 無計),不過唔知幾多個月後才可以。 至於那些相,哈,我和Cruz爸真是個巧妙的配搭,他的強項是技術和追求達到想要效果的目的,而我呢 ... 主意多多,對相的情調及構圖有一定的要求和觸角。這麼一來,我們往往都很享受辛苦出來的成果,樂此不疲。

其餘更多的相片, 可以在這裡找到
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Saturday 18 October 2008


記得在2008年10月9日那天, Cruz爸一早便給我一封電郵, 寫著"Exactly three month later, you will give birth to our BB"。每次當我嚷著「個肚愈來愈大呀, 個身愈來愈肥呀! 好醜樣呀」Cruz爸便會安慰我話就快喇, x個月後就得喇, 到時努力就會好似以前咁。唉, 弊在係x個月內我要經過肚子更加大, 身形更加阻街的地步呢!
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