Sunday 7 June 2009


不論甚麼東西, 只要在Cruz手中, 情況都是這樣。莫非這些都是環球美食?

Cruz:「當然最好味的, 還是我的手指。嘻!嘻!」

"there's a brain-based reason that young babies seem to stick everything right into their mouths. Along the sensory-motor strip in the brain, the mouth- and tongue- processing cells take up lots of space. Relative to one's thigh or forearm, the mouth and tongue occupy more territory! So babies get lots of primary sensory information by checking things out with their mouths and tongues."
(Bright from the Start, J Stamm)

1 comment:

  1. 我都覺得Cruz好喜歡食野, 將來食盡珍饈百味, so good

