Monday 31 August 2009


「誠實、守信、守時、禮貌……一些我們以為在幼兒園才學的基本,在成人世界卻依然要不斷提醒,因為我們都輕易忘記,最基本的才是最重要的,共勉之!」 (都市日報 31/8/2009)

昨天看到報章上一個專欄的一小段, 真是很有共鳴, 也是對我們為人父母的一個重要提醒。

記得上星期在一小巴裏有兩個二十來歲的少年人, 好像趕赴一個約會似的, 其中一人說「唔緊要, 遲到廿分鐘簡直唔算係遲到」, 聽罷了心裏真想問他那麼多少分鐘才算得上是遲到呢, 先前約好的時間又有什麼意思呢? 於我來說, 偶爾因為某些原因遲到是可以理解的, 但當遲到成為一種習慣, 甚至連自己的價值觀也認為遲到沒有什麼大不了, 對著人家呆等了多久也沒有任何歉疚感覺的時候, 真箇有點兒不能夠接受, 當我們教導孩子要守時的時候, 豈不是很矛盾嗎?

又有一回在地鐵車箱裏, 一個小女孩好像罵人般高聲的說話, 不多久相信是她的媽媽開口說話時, 天啊! 怎麼兩個的語氣和聲線簡直是一模一樣的。毫不理會她們身處的是公眾場所。

言教固然重要, 身教所發揮的果效絕對不能夠輕看。Cruz爸和我成為了Cruz的模範 (role model), 這是不能夠逃脫的角色和責任。 我們當然也有我們的缺點, 唯有第一步是時刻做好自我管教(self-discipline)去影響我們的下一代。
"For majority of people, discipline means punishment, laying down the law, the playback time. That's not what discipline was originally supposed to mean. The word "discipline" is derived from the Latin disciplina which meant giving instruction, knowledge, or training. A disciple is the one who is learning. The focus of discipline should be on what do you want a child to learn and then the instruction and the training should center on that learning objective. Do it in a calm manner rather than in anger, so the child doesn't learn the unintended lessons. Don't do what you don't want your child to do.”
(Children Do What They See Their Parents Do,


  1. I totally agree with your post. I think I have to pay more attention to my habit and conduct to set up a good example to my Moon Moon as well.


  2. Thanks Matthew! Hope we can have a positive influence on our kids.
