Wednesday 30 September 2009


最近幾天, Cruz比以前容易咗發脾氣, 尤其是在睡眠不足的情況下。此外, 流多了很多口水, 而且見人隻手在面前, 就捉住嚟咬, 非常肉緊。原來這一切, 我們估計是因為牙魔王3號同4號要現身。中間上方的兩隻牙仔, 原來不知不覺已經開始慢慢出來。初步發現, 上面的牙仔較下面的大隻, 相信出來也較下面的辛苦。真是辛苦Cruz了。


  1. Wow, nice to meet you, teeth. Up to now, I still cannot see Moon Moon's teeth, just a point in white, waiting for 2 months lar


  2. Matt,

    The situation various from baby to baby. I know some babies start to have teeth after 9 months old. They will suddenly have 4 teeth in their mouths at almost the same period of time.

    e.g. My nephew is now 13 months old. He only had his first two teeth after 9 months old. For the time being, he has 4 teeth completly out, and 2 additional teeth are being half out from the gum.
